Tag Archives: Parchin

First Look at the Secret Iranian Site the U.N. Wants to Inspect

The Atlantic Wire…

It’s the most talked-about military site in the world. Just 18 miles southeast of Tehran, the Parchin military facility, suspected of housing a containment chamber to conduct high-explosive tests, has long eluded U.N. inspectors. But today, a research group in Washington has pinpointed on a satellite image what it says are its whereabouts.

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Satellite images show Iran cleaning secret nuclear activity, sources say

The base in Parchin where Iran conducted nuclear tests Photo by: Google Earth, GeoEye


Diplomats say spy satellite images of an Iranian military facility show trucks and earth-moving vehicles at the site that indicate crews were trying to clean it of radioactive traces.

Two of the diplomats told The Associated Press that those traces could have come from what they said was the testing of a small neutron trigger used to set off a nuclear explosion. A third diplomat could not confirm that, but says any testing of a so-called neutron initiator at the site could only be in the context of trying to develop nuclear arms.

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